This table provides a quick reference for US coin denominations minted between Early America and 1900, along with significant historical events for context.
Year Span | Historical Context | Coins Minted |
1652-1682 | Colonial Period: Early attempts at coinage by individual colonies. | Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling (Silver) |
1776-1783 | American Revolution: Fight for independence from Great Britain. | No official US coinage, use of foreign coins and private tokens. (Details below) |
1792-1807 | Early Republic: Formation of the US government and westward expansion. | Large Cent (Copper), Half Cent (Copper), Disme (Silver), Draped Bust Dollar (Silver), Capped Bust Dollar (Silver) |
1808-1837 | Market Revolution: Growth of trade and industry. | Bust Half Dollar (Silver), Bust Quarter Dollar (Silver), Bust Dime (Silver) |
1837-1865 | Westward Expansion & Sectional Tensions: Trail of Tears, Mexican-American War, rise of abolitionism. | Seated Liberty Dime (Silver), Seated Liberty Half Dollar (Silver), Seated Liberty Quarter Dollar (Silver), Gobrecht Dollar (Silver) |
1861-1865 | Civil War: War between Northern and Southern states over slavery. | Indian Head Cent (Copper-Nickel), Two-Cent Piece (Bronze), Three-Cent Piece (Nickel), Civil War Token Coinage (variety of denominations) |
1865-1890 | Reconstruction & The Gilded Age: Rebuilding the South, rapid industrialization, immigration boom. | Shield Nickel (Nickel), Seated Liberty Dollar (Silver), Trade Dollar (Silver), Morgan Dollar (Silver) |
1870-1900 | The Wild West: Settlement of the Western Frontier. | Carson City & New Orleans Mint Morgan Dollars (Silver), Barber Dime (Silver), Barber Quarter Dollar (Silver), Barber Half Dollar (Silver) |
**Additional Notes:**
While you won't find official US coins from this era metal detecting or at flea markets, keep an eye out for these:
Remember, condition is key for value. Even if you find a coin from this period, it likely won't be in perfect shape. However, a well-preserved coin could be a valuable historical artifact.