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Coin Type Years of Production Country ASW (Actual Silver Weight) Notes Melt Value (at Current Silver Price)
Half-Dollars Pre-1965 United States Approximately 0.3617 oz 90% silver content Calculate based on Silver Price
Quarters Pre-1965 United States Approximately 0.1808 oz 90% silver content Calculate based on Silver Price
Dimes Pre-1965 United States Approximately 0.0723 oz 90% silver content Calculate based on Silver Price
Akche Ottoman Empire Turkey Approximately 0.0375 oz Minted during Ottoman Empire (Mehmed II era) Calculate based on Silver Price
50 Kurus 1936 Turkey Approximately 0.0265 oz Silver composition of .830 Calculate based on Silver Price
50 Kurus 1960-2008 Turkey Approximately 0.0321 oz Minted during the Republic of Turkey period Calculate based on Silver Price
1 Lira 1933-1939 Turkey Approximately 0.1608 oz Silver composition of .500 Calculate based on Silver Price
1 Lira 1940-1946 Turkey Approximately 0.1786 oz Silver composition of .680 Calculate based on Silver Price
1 Lira 1947-1949 Turkey Approximately 0.1608 oz Silver composition of .500 Calculate based on Silver Price
1 Lira 1950-1956 Turkey Approximately 0.1447 oz Silver composition of .400 Calculate based on Silver Price